Practice Areas: Litigation and Arbitration, Criminal, Sanctions and Compliance
Type: Abreu News
Ana Grosso Alves speaker at “Asset Recovery Americas”
Ana Grosso Alves, professional partner at Abreu Advogados, will be a speaker at “Asset Recovery Americas“, a conference that brings together the world’s leading professionals in the asset recovery, fraud and insolvency sector.
Ana Grosso Alves will participate in the panel “Whistleblowers – the good, the bad, and the ugly”. This panel discusses whistleblower protection regimes in their respective jurisdictions and how these regimes can benefit or hinder whistleblowers. In addition, it discusses how companies should deal with employees who do not truly fall into the category of whistleblowers, but who nevertheless try to use whistleblower protection provisions to avoid liability or be dismissed.
The event, which runs from 20 to 22 September in São Paulo, Brazil, will focus on analysing the latest trends, ideas and developments in the region and the sector.
See the full event programme here.