
Pro Bono Activity


We place our deep knowledge of the legal challenges of the third sector at the service of the community. Our work with the community has as its goal to promote and facilitate access to legal organisations, education and the obtainment of necessary resources. To this end, we make pro bono legal services available, we share knowledge and other resources with a view to supporting our partner organisations with the aim of obtaining a positive and sustainable social impact.


We actively encourage our teams to get involved in community work. We dedicate our time and resources to promoting voluntary work within the wider community and to encouraging our lawyers to be part of this effort to the benefit of individuals and institutions in need.


Find some of the pro bono projects that we support here.

Justiça para Todos Programme


The project Justiça para Tod@s, is an initiative of the Forum Estudante magazine aims to promote legal literacy in secondary education, awakening interest in issues such as Justice and Law. The programme consists of the simulation of trials, allowing student participants to analyse concrete cases and to take on the roles of defence and prosecution.


“The project Justiça para Tod@s started around 10 years ago (…) and this project has always been considered an instrument for the promotion of democratic values through education for Justice and Human Rights, directed towards young people, through the simulation of court practice, culminating in a simulation of law court trials.

Abreu Advogados has taken on a leading role: contributing to the updating and/or creation of new “cases” to judge, namely in the drafting of components of the case for the Project Manual; mobilising lawyers that make themselves available on a voluntary basis to guide and support the participating teams.”


Gonçalo Gil, General Director of Forum Estudante

Partnership with Dislexia Day by Day


Abreu Advogados, in partnership with the blog Dislexia Day by Day, contributes to inclusive education, clarifying the principle legal doubts of parents supporting dyslexic children through school.

The partnership, created in the area of the Pro Bono strategic theme, aims to contribute towards legal literacy and the promotion of inclusive education, via the clarification of the principal doubts that parents may have in supporting their children from the point of diagnosis onwards.

The first publications in the Blog happened on 10th October, Global Dyslexia Day. Get to know Abreu’s articles here.