Alexandra Nascimento Correia nominated as member of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Arbitration and ADR Committee (ICC)
Alexandra Nascimento Correia, partner at Abreu Advogados, has been appointed a member of the Arbitration and ADR Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
The Arbitration and ADR Committee brings together the world’s leading experts in this field and is responsible, together with the ICC Court of Arbitration, for drawing up and updating the rules and guides for arbitration and dispute resolution made available by the ICC.
In Portugal, the ICC Arbitration and ADR Commission was set up in 2008. It is made up of an Executive Committee, with 1 Chair and 1 Vice-Chair and 8 members who approve the annual action plans, approve the appointments of members to the global Commission and to the Task Forces and coordinate and participate in the work of the Arbitration Commission at global level.