José Maria Formosinho Sanchez

Associated Partner | Lisbon

Practice Areas
Criminal, Sanctions and Compliance
Litigation and Arbitration
RGPC and Whistleblowing
  • English
  • Spanish

José Maria Formosinho Sanchez is an Associated Partner and has been with Abreu Advogados since 2022, working in the area of Criminal Law, Sanctions and Compliance.

He has particular intervention in advisory and compliance services to various entities, national and multinational, in matters regarding prevention of corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing.

He also develops his activity in the scope of economic-financial crime (white-collar crime), in various sectors and industries.

He is frequently invited to give training courses to several national and multinational entities, in the scope of economic-financial crime prevention, corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as to provide advice on compliance services and internal investigations.

José Maria is a member of Fórum Penal, an association of criminal lawyers, and of Fair Trials International – Legal Experts Advisory Panel.

He currently co-coordinates the Criminal, Sanctions and Compliance practice area and the Supervision and Compliance Committee at Abreu Advogados.


Representation in court and legal assistance to several national and foreign banks in civil, criminal and administrative lawsuits of national relevance.

Representation of various company directors and political office-holders in criminal proceedings.

Legal representation of major multinational groups in the retail, fashion, furniture, food and automobile sectors in criminal proceedings.

Representation of multinational tobacco producer group in criminal proceedings and legal assistance to such group.

Legal representation of national and foreign airline companies in misdemeanor cases and legal assistance.

Legal assistance in the drafting, implementation and execution of programs for the prevention of corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing to several national and multinational entities.

Advising various organisations on mandatory communications on the prevention of corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing.

Training courses, as a certified trainer, for various organisations on the prevention of corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing.

Legal assistance to various national and multinational organisations in the creation, regulation and implementation of whistleblowing channels.


Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica de Lisboa

Law Degree (2007)

Escola de Direito de São Paulo

Compliance Course (2017)