Abreu Advogados’ Tax team distinguished by International Tax Review guide 2021
31 Jan 2025
The International Tax Review published the World Tax 2021 guide and Abreu Advogados’ Tax team was ranked in Tier 2 in three categories: General Tax, Tax Controversy and Private Client.
In July of this year, the International Tax Review had already published the results in individual nominations for Tax Leaders 2020 and Women in Law 2020, giving a great recognition to Abreu Advogados’ lawyers. At that time, the publication distinguished the firm’s current honorary partner and founding partner, Miguel Teixeira de Abreu, as Highly Regarded under Tax Controversy, and also highlights the performance of both Mariana Gouveia de Oliveira, professional partner and senior associate Susana A. Duarte under the category for Tax Controversy and Women in Tax, distinguishing them both as Highly Regarded. Associated Partner Joana Maldonado Reis is nominated as Highly Regarded under the category of Indirect Tax and Women in Tax and Women in Tax. Associated Partner Maria Inês Assis is also featured in the Women in Tax category and refered to as Highly regarded.
The International Tax Review is one of the most prestigious tax publications worldwide and its rankings are reached by peer votes in more than 50 jurisdictions, complementing the ITR’s World Tax guide.