
Practice Areas: Tax

Type: Press

Mariana Gouveia de Oliveira comments on tax measures for young people in Portugal

Mariana Gouveia de Oliveira, partner at Abreu Advogados, was invited by the German television channel ZDF to comment on tax benefits of up to ten years for young people under 35 years old with annual salaries of up to €28,000, in Portugal. These measures aim to make the country more attractive to young people and prevent the emigration of skilled professionals.

Mariana Gouveia de Oliveira expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of the Portuguese government’s new proposals. According to the lawyer, while tax exemptions are an interesting incentive, they are not sufficient to persuade young people to stay in Portugal or return to the country if they have emigrated. The fundamental issue goes beyond taxes: it involves the lack of career opportunities, low salaries, and the difficulty of finding stability in the Portuguese job market.

The video is available in German [here].

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