Practice Areas: Criminal, Sanctions and Compliance, Litigation and Arbitration
Type: Abreu News
José Maria Formosinho Sanchez strengthens Abreu Advogados’ Criminal Law and Compliance team
José Maria Formosinho Sanchez is the most recent Associated Partner at Abreu Advogados, law firm, reinforcing the Criminal, Sanctions and Compliance team, coordinated by partner Francisco Patrício and professional partners Ana Rita Duarte Campos and Pedro Barosa, which reflects Abreu Advogados’ continued strategy of growth and affirmation in the main areas of law.
José Maria Formosinho Sanchez transits from PLMJ to reinforce Abreu Advogados’ focus on criminal law and compliance. He has extensive experience in representing organizations and private clients, with a special focus on compliance, administrative offences and economic and financial crimes, being recognized as a leading practitioner for white collar crime on the Iberian Lawyer’s Forty under 40 Awards, in 2019, and on the Rising Stars Awards Europe in 2020 and 2021. He is a member of Fórum Penal – Associação de Advogados Penalistas (Criminal Lawyers’ Association) and of Fair Trials International – Legal Experts Advisory Panel, and is regularly invited to write or debate on these matters in national and international publications and events.
For Inês Sequeira Mendes, Managing Partner at Abreu Advogados, “José Maria’s integration in our team is a reason for great satisfaction for Abreu Advogados and for all our clients. His experience and profile are very relevant and in line with the path we have been investing in of specialization in criminal and compliance matters, increasing our expertise and response capacity in matters of great impact for our Clients”.
“I am very pleased to join Abreu Advogados, where I did my traineeship over 15 years ago, a law firm that has been following a unique path of growth and affirmation, investing in innovation and specialization in matters that set the international economic agenda, such as Whistleblowing and the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption. Abreu Advogados shows a strong commitment in this area, with a very skilled and experienced team. The professionalism and shared values were decisive for my integration and I know they will be crucial for the quality of the services we provide our clients”, reinforces José Maria Formosinho Sanchez, associated partner at Abreu Advogados.