Abreu Advogados recognized by Financial Times in NFTs project
The prestigious British publication Financial Times highlights the work of Abreu Advogados with the Tokapi project – an innovative platform for the sale of artworks as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In an article dedicated to the legal vacuum in which FinTechs operate, the specialised skills of the Abreu Advogados team are highlighted in the implementation of the project, in aspects such as regulation and taxes. The article refers to some aspects of the project and quotes Diogo Pereira Duarte, Partner and Co-Head of Abreu Advogados’ Financial Law practice area.
The project highlighted by the Financial Times, in partnership with Daniel Lenikus, founder of Topaki, was developed by a team coordinated by Alexandra Courela and composed by Diogo Pereira Duarte, Ricardo Henriques, António Frusoni Gonçalves, Joana Maldonado Reis, José Maria Alves Pereira, Sara Soares, Susana A. Duarte and Sofia Lopes Agostinho.
On 14 October last, the Financial Times FT Europe Innovative Lawyers 2021 Awards took place. Abreu Advogados was shortlisted for these important international awards in the category “Social justice and the Rule of Law” with the project developed in partnership with the blog “Dyslexia Day by Day” and for the category “Moving the Market Forward”, with the already mentioned NFTs project.
Read the full article here.