Luís Barreto Xavier and Ricardo Henriques address AI Regulation at an APB meeting on data protection

Luís Barreto Xavier, president of the Abreu Advogados Knowledge Institute (Instituto de Conhecimento) since 2019, and Ricardo Henriques, partner at Abreu Advogados and member of the board of directors of the Knowledge Institute, will take part in the meeting of the Data Protection Group of the Portuguese Banking Association (APB – Associação Portuguesa de Bancos) on October 9, to discuss AI Regulation.

AI Regulation establishes rules and provides clear requirements and obligations on specific uses of AI, to guarantee the safety and fundamental rights of people and companies.

In addition, Luís Barreto Xavier will give a lecture on AI Regulation for PhD students in AI at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), a lecture on AI and Justice organised by the Association of Catholic Jurists in collaboration with Capela do Rato, and the conference ‘Sharing Ideas: AI and HR: how one impacts the other’, organised by Abreu Advogados.

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