Patrícia Perestrelo explains parental leave and what could change on the ECO podcast
Patrícia Perestrelo, professional partner and coordinator of Abreu Advogados’ Employment Law practice area, talks about parental leave and what Parliament wants to change about this support, in ECO’s “Trinta e oito vírgula quatro” podcast.
The bill, which includes the extension of initial parental leave, came from a legislative initiative by civil society and was approved in general on 27 September. It is yet to be discussed in the Labour, Social Security and Inclusion Committee.
The lawyer points out that parental rights go beyond parental leave. There are other rights related to the reconciliation of leave and part-time work after returning to work. According to Patrícia Perestrelo, although the regime is quite complex, there is a lot of information available, such as the guides with practical examples published by Social Security.
Listen to the full podcast episode here (available only in Portuguese).