
Practice Areas: Public and Environment

Industries: Environment

Type: Abreu News

José Eduardo Martins participates in Resíduos | Encontro Nacional

The Resíduos | Encontro Nacional takes place today, 23 January, at the Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, featuring José Eduardo Martins, partner at Abreu Advogados.

Specialising in Environmental Law, José Eduardo Martins will join Panel 2: “Financing, a Must!”, moderated by journalist Catarina Canelas. Alongside him, the discussion includes José Ribau Esteves (Vice-President of the Board of ANMP), José Pimenta Machado (President of the Portuguese Environment Agency), Paulo Praça (Chairman of ESGRA), António M. Cunha (Chairman of the Norte2030 Programme Management Committee), and a representative of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.

The panel starts at 2:30 PM in the Almada Negreiros Room. The event is organised by the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities.

Check the full programme here.

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