
Type: Press

Inês Sequeira Mendes looks at 2025 with optimism and a sense of challenge in an interview with Jornal Económico

Against a backdrop of geopolitical instability, macroeconomic challenges and concerns about accelerated technological transformation, Inês Sequeira Mendes, managing partner at Abreu Advogados, views 2025 with optimism.

‘The experience of recent years has shown that our sector has been resilient and has demonstrated a great capacity to adapt,’ she told Jornal Económico. ‘I hope that Portugal will finally be able to implement the necessary measures to ensure a justice system that effectively serves society, reinforcing transparency, access and the trust of citizens and companies, which are essential for the proper functioning of the rule of law and a favourable context for investment.’

Inês Sequeira Mendes concludes that ‘2025 will be a year of consolidation and growth for the Portuguese legal profession’.

Read the full testimonial here.

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