Let’s talk about longevity: Abreu Advogados announces the theme for Legal Up 2025-2026
Abreu Advogados announces the new edition of Legal Up 2025–2026, dedicated to the theme of longevity, one of the most pressing challenges of contemporary society. After addressing digital exclusion in the previous edition, Legal Up now turns its attention to the impact of an ageing population and the solutions needed to promote active and inclusive ageing.
According to global projections, life expectancy will continue to rise, with the global population of people aged 60 and over expected to double by 2050. In Portugal, the ageing of the population is happening at an accelerated pace, making it urgent to develop public policies and private initiatives that ensure quality of life, social inclusion and financial security for older people.
The Challenges of Longevity
Legal Up 2025–2026 explores the challenges and opportunities brought about by an ageing population, focusing on the following key topics:
- Ageism: Combating age-based discrimination and promoting intergenerational workplace environments.
- Financial Sustainability: Developing financial literacy policies and longevity planning strategies.
- Labour Market: Supporting organisations in adapting to a multigenerational workforce, through reskilling programmes and intergenerational mentoring.
- Health and Well-being: Promoting active and healthy ageing through effective social initiatives and public policies.
Abreu Advogados’ Commitments
Abreu Advogados reaffirms its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability, aligning itself with initiatives that foster active longevity and intergenerational inclusion. Among the planned actions are:
- Integrating the theme into the firm’s Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- Promoting awareness both internally and externally through events and publications
- Developing retirement preparation programmes
- Supporting community initiatives focused on active ageing
Legal Up 2025–2026 will feature a series of debates, training sessions and initiatives aimed not only at understanding the challenges of longevity, but also at actively contributing to innovative and sustainable solutions.