
Practice Areas: Restructuring and Insolvency

Type: Abreu News

Francisco Patrício debates corporate restructuring at INSOL seminar in Lisbon

INSOL International will hold on 13 October, at the Hotel Epic Sana Marquês, in Lisbon, the international seminar that brings together leading specialists in the areas of insolvency, recovery and corporate restructuring.

Francisco Patrício, partner at Abreu Advogados, coordinator of the firm’s Restructuring and Insolvency team and a member of the board of Insol Europe, will be one of the speakers for the panel “Deconstructing Restructuring Tools”. The panel will have as one of the main discussion topics the application of the EU Restructuring Directive in Portugal and Spain, with the discussion of concrete cases and the analysis of similarities and differences in relation to the approach in the United Kingdom.

Organised in partnership with APDIR, INSOL’s Lisbon member association, the event has the support of Abreu Advogados and the participation of restructuring professionals from Portugal and Brazil.

Get to know the programme and agenda of the event.

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