2018 Fide Congress
Abreu Advogados integrates the 18th Congress of the International Federation of European Law (FIDE), sponsored by the Portuguese European Law Association (APDE), which will be held at the Estoril Congress Centre from 23 to 26 May.The two
working days of the 18th FIDE Congress will foster in-depth discussion on the following three topics:
Topic I – The domestic market and digital economy – Internet, e-commerce, media, electronic communications and data protection, among others;
Topic II – Taxation, State aid and distortions of competition;
Topic III – The external dimension of EU policies – horizontal issues; trade and investment; immigration and asylum.
The Opening and Closing sessions and discussions and other events, where appropriate, will be attended by high-representatives of the Portuguese State and Government, and the President or Members of the European Commission and the President and Judges of the European Court of Justice, some of whom will also deliver speeches.
Abreu Advogados will be represented by practitioners from the Competition, Regulation and European Union areas.
FIDE, held since 1962 in different European Member States, gathers every two years jurists and experts from other areas. FIDE is the main forum for conducting discussions on EU law and policies, in particular on going legislative and political developments and their implementation by EU institutions and national political bodies and courts.
For more information: www.fide2018.eu