Exceptional Measures of SERVE, I.P.
On April 14rd, 2020, the Registration and Business Verification Service (“SERVE, I.P.”) published the public notice 1489/SERVE, I.P./MCAE/IV/2020 with the following exceptional measures for a period of state of emergency:
- Commercial registration documents including the Business Registration Certificate (“CRC”), Certificate for Business Registration and Authorization to Conduct Economic Activity expired or whose validity period expires during the period of validity of the state of emergency remain valid over the state of emergency.
- The CRC and Certificate for Business Registration shall be renewed upon the term of the State of Emergency or as soon as established the regular functioning of SERVE.
- Whom interested in presenting a new commercial registry application must submit the form Provisional Commercial Registration Application during the State of Emergency (“Provisional Form”) available for consultation and download at SERVE, I.P. website (www.serve.gov.tl) duly completed together with any documents electronically.
- SERVE, I.P. will process, issue and send to the applicant the Certificate of Recognition of Provisional Commercial Register in the Period of the State of Emergency (“Provisional Certificate”) electronically.
- Once the Provisional Certificate is received, the applicant may conduct business and the authorised economic activity may be developed for however long the state of emergency lasts. However, once SERVE, I.P. returns to its normal operation, the applicant has the duty to update the provisional documentation.
This information contains information of a general nature and you should still consult the “Jornal da República” of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Abreu e C&C Advogados – Timor Leste, Lda., despite making every possible effort, cannot ensure the accuracy of the information provided herein which must not be regarded as legal or professional advice but merely as information of a general nature. Hence, the present information does not substitute recourse to legal advice to resolve specific cases. For further clarifications, please contact [email protected]