Abreu Advogados nominated for Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe 2024

The Financial Times published today the list of finalists for the 2024 edition of the “Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe” and Abreu Advogados stands out with a nomination in two categories in the area of innovation, a year after being considered the 16th most innovative firm in Europe and the only Portuguese law firm to win one of these renowned international awards.

Abreu Advogados has thus been recognised for its innovative work over the last year, with the following nominations:

  • “Innovation in regulatory solutions”: with the project in Portugal that Abreu Advogados and the Instituto de Conhecimento developed with AICEP (Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal) to train SME exporters in the field of ESG;
  • “Innovative practitioner”, recognising partner José Eduardo Martins.

The application submitted by Abreu Advogados for the programme to build the capacity of SME exporters under the ESG theme is a unique project in Portugal, with the aim of reaching 2,000 companies. José Eduardo Martins‘ nomination as “Innovative Practitioner” is the result of his long and distinguished career in ESG matters, especially his active and innovative contribution to national and international decarbonisation projects.

The awards ceremony will take place on 12 September at the Natural History Museum in London, which will include a reception attended by the most innovative law firms from across Europe, followed by the awards ceremony.

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