Diogo Adegas dos Santos

Avocat | Porto

Domaines de Pratique
Contentieux & Arbitrage
Recouvrement de Crédit

Diogo Adegas dos Santos has been an associate at Abreu Advogados since 2021, working primarily on debt collection and insolvency litigation, focusing on mortgage debt and consumer debt.

He has experience in credit management and recovery in the healthcare, insurance and real estate sectors, while also practicing litigation on a broader spectrum.

On a day-to-day basis he monitors multiple lawsuits and its proceedings, in all its stages, taking frequently part in pre-trial hearings, court trials, examinations of the witnesses and similar proceedings.


Advising and legal representation of banking institutions on debt recovery from mortgage and consumer loans.

Credit management and recovery in the health, insurance and real estate sectors.

Representation of private and corporate clients in lawsuits and administrative infraction proceedings, among other legal matters.

Secondment in hospital (under a public-private partnership scheme) providing legal advice, namely drafting contracts and other legal documents, regarding suppliers and service providers.

Advising commercial companies in corporate and M&A transactions. 


Études et formation

Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra

Law Degree (2017)

Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra

Completed the curricular phase of the Master in Law: Specialty in Legal and Forensic Sciences (2018)