Patrícia Saraiva de Aguilar
Consultant | Lisbonne
Patrícia Saraiva de Aguilar is a Senior Associate and has been at Abreu Advogados since 2011 working primarily on operations related to Real Estate and Sports Law.
She focuses on wide-ranging real estate operations, particularly acquisitions and sales, tenancy, sale and leaseback operations, transfers in lieu of payment, gifting of real estate, tourism and shopping centre developments; and she has extensive experience in performing real estate due diligence and on negotiating all kinds of real estate contracts.
Additionally, she has extensive experience in incorporating, buying and selling real estate fund management companies as well as providing legal advice on the day to day management of properties comprising the respective funds.
She also provides legal advice in sports law, specifically on the purchase and sale of sports corporations.
Études et formation
Portuguese Catholic University
Law degree from the Portuguese Catholic University Faculty of Law (1998)
Portuguese Catholic University
Seminar on Consumer Law as part of Postgraduate studies in Commercial Law at the Portuguese Catholic University (2000)
CENJOR – Centro Protocolar de Formação para Jornalistas
Specialization course in Journalism from CENJOR – Centro Protocolar de Formação para Jornalistas (2002)
Universidade Independente
Postgraduate degree in Sports Law from Universidade Independente (2002)
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
Specialization course in Sports Journalism from Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (2002)