Paulo Amaral Basílio

Asociado Principal | Lisboa

Areas de Práctica
Contencioso & Arbitraje
Salud, Ciencias de la Vida y Farmacéutico
Desk Mozambiqueño
  • English
  • French
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Paulo Amaral Basílio is an Associated Partner and has been at Abreu Advogados since 2008. He began in the area of litigation and arbitration, managing various teams, and securing assets of various domestic and international companies, gaining in-depth knowledge of civil and executive procedure, real estate, insolvency and business restructuring.

He has been involved in arbitration and legal proceedings in a wide range of business sectors, including the banking, insurance, infrastructure media and advertising, consumer goods and telecommunications sectors.

He assists various companies on leasing, contracting and business restructuring.

He has extensive experience in advising on mortgage and non-mortgage loan portfolio transactions, and provides clients with full support, particularly in analysing charges, liens, collateral defects and existing retention rights on loan-related guarantees.


Representing one of the largest Portuguese private banks in legal proceedings filed against it in civil, banking and administrative matters.

Advising a major loan servicing company in the Iberian Peninsula in acquiring loan portfolios and then on managing these portfolios.

Representing a multinational holding company in discussions regarding damages awards claimed by clients.

Advising on the insolvent estate of one of Portugal’s major construction companies and resolving various business disputes.


Formación académica

University of Lisbon

Law degree from University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law (2005)

University of Lisbon

postgraduate course on Improvement in Civil Procedural Law, from University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law (2012)