On May 29th the Portuguese Authorities have announced the launching of the second solar energy licensing auction that targets 700 MW of new capacity. All the generation capacity will be allocated in the southern regions of Alentejo and the Algarve.
Applications must be submitted through the Application Portal by 11:59 pm on 7.31.2020 (registration available from 8 June) and can be changed until then at any time;
Tender Conditions:
- The deposit of a temporary guarantee on behalf of DGEG, in the amount of 10 000 €/MVA;
- Submit information concerning the company and the person responsible for representing the company during the auction procedure; and
- The payment of a small fee in the amount of 0,005 €/MWh;
Remuneration options:
a) For Solar Power Plants without storage:
- “General remuneration fixed price” the winning bidder will receive the price set in the tender, in €/MWh, this will be done through a variable premium on top of the wholesale electricity price;
- “General remuneration fixed payment to the National Electrical System” the winning bidder will pay the price set in the tender, in €/MW/year, while receiving the receipts for the electricity sold in the electricity markets.
b) For Solar Power Plants with storage option “General remuneration flexibility option”, the winning bidder will receive the compensation set in the tender, in €/MW/year, while providing an insurance against price spikes in the wholesale electricity market, meaning that when wholesale prices rises above the strike price, as set in the Procedure Program, the winning bidder must return the difference to the National Electrical System.
The remuneration scheme will be valid for a period of 15 years from the beginning of the power plants’ energy production.